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On Tuesday at 5:00 PM AppITP will be holding our second committee meeting of the semester! We will cover how you can become one of our four admin positions. Voting starts very soon! We will also be planning events and community service opportunities for the semester.

The committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11th at 5:00 PM on the second floor of Peacock Hall in room 2017.

Our committee meetings are a great way to stay up to date with AppITP as well as have an influence on club events.

If you have any questions please feel free to email an officer!

Feb 10
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Tuesday: Committee Meeting - Join us for our first committee meeting of the semester! At the meeting, we will be planning future events. We will also discuss upcoming administrative positions. Committee meetings are a great opportunity to meet other club members, as well as come up with ideas to create new club events. (Tuesday February 4th at 5:00 PM in Peacock Hall room 2017)

Wednesday: Guest Speaker from Ally Bank - Representatives from Ally Bank will be giving a one-hour presentation about their company. Use this opportunity to stay afterwards and network with the presenters! If you plan to do so, make sure to dress professionally and bring your resumes. (Wednesday February 5th at 5:00 PM in the Grandfather Mountain Ballroom, 1st floor of the Student Union)

Feb 2
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Join AppITP on Wednesday, January 29th at 5:00 PM for our kickoff meeting in the Grandfather Mountain Ballroom located on the first floor of the Student Union. Free insomnia cookies will be offered!

During our meeting, you will have the chance to learn about all of the amazing opportunities we have to offer for the Spring 2025 semester!

Jan 16
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Tuesday - Election Day & Operation Christmas Child: It's a big day! Come vote for our next semester's officers! Plus, let’s spread some holiday joy with Operation Christmas Child. Bring in your donations and help us make a difference!

Wednesday - Senior Night: Join us for Senior Night! Let’s celebrate our amazing seniors and all they’ve accomplished. Stop by for an evening of fun and memories! RSVP:

Thursday - Friendsgiving: It’s time for Friendsgiving! Let’s come together to celebrate friendship and gratitude. We'll be having Chick-fil-A catering!


Nov 14, 24
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Join us for our committee meeting on Tuesday, November 12th @ 5pm in Peacock Hall Room 2017.

Nov 11, 24
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Join us for our committee meeting on October 22nd @ 5pm in Peacock Hall Room 2017.

Oct 22, 24
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